A downloadable project

Dino lives in a green, Jurassic paradise with its dino buddies until one day, an explosion rocks the jungle. It’s no asteroid - it’s a time machine containing strange, fleshy creatures from the future called “humans”. With them, they brought machines and weapons the likes of which no dino has ever seen, destroying swathes of flora in an attempt to create more fossil fuel in the future. Dino must fight off the human invaders, and has no choice but to use their weapons to do so… but according to the genius Dr. Velociraptor, if it destroys too much of the environment in the process, the dinosaur world will never recover from the catastrophe. 

Dino Player begins the story in a jungle level, attempting to defend your nest from humans. At first, you have to fight off humans with just melee attacks. But that’s difficult and slow. Dr. Velociraptor appears to help! He tells you that the humans’ weapons aren’t part of their bodies like fangs and claws, but tools that can be picked up. But make sure you don’t damage the surrounding environment in the process! A gun might tear through tree trunks, a flame thrower might set bushes and nests on fire, etc. This gives the player the ability to pick up dropped weapons and makes an environment health bar appear next to their own. The player uses the weapons to fight off the humans. 

The next level is an underwater level where the weapons are gas-powered and causes the ocean to acidify slightly whenever used. Unlike the previous level, where you could avoid the environment taking damage via your skill as a player, any time an underwater weapon is used, it causes environmental damage. The player must use weapons sparingly in order to beat this level

Updated 7 days ago
Published 14 days ago


kaiju1.png 794 kB
velociraptor.png 60 kB
Build.zip 55 MB

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